or, follow our step by step instructions

Dear Pioneer,

Welcome back to your ‘sofi set-up coach’.

How have you been getting along since we last met?

For the next step, can I confirm that you have received the sofi pack containing your sofi stick and three plant pod formulations?

To recap, you have one sofi stick and three sofi plant pod formulations in different colours;



and pink.

We would like you to use your first formulation for the first 10 days,

then change to the second formulation for the next 10 days,

finally switching to your third formulation for the last 10 days.

Not every pioneer begins with the same colour so check which colour you are assigned to before getting started.

The formulations will provide the most benefit to you if you take three sprays in the evenings after dinner

and then a further three sprays just before you go to bed.

Remembering to take the sprays can be tricky, so in your pack there are some sofi reminders that you might like to place in key places within your home.

For example, you could put a sofi reminder on the table in the room where you generally relax in the evenings to remind you to take the first three sprays.

And you might place a sofi sticker on the bathroom mirror to remind you to take the further three sprays before brushing your teeth and going to bed.

Everyone is different, so decide where you think it would be sensible to place these reminders in your home

it’s wherever you think will work best for you!

Excellent – the other thing you will need to have near to hand is your sofi stick. Think where it makes the most sense to keep it, so that it’s easy to reach during the evening and before bed?

This may mean keeping it in a pocket or bag,

or assigning it a designated safe spot within your home, depending on your lifestyle.

We recommend not putting it away in a cupboard or a drawer because it can be so easy to forget. Out of sight is out of mind;

try somewhere on the living room table,

on top of your bed nightstand,

or a surface in the bathroom (preferably at eye-sight).

Alongside using the sofi formulations for the next 30 days is the sofi App.

The sofi App will ask you questions about how you are feeling and your thoughts and experiences as you move through your day,

registering any notes and data that help us gain a better understanding of you and your individual experience with each of our sofi pods.

There are no right or wrong answers. We simply would like to know how you are getting on. We would like you to journal on the sofi app as much as you can and whenever suits you best.

To summarise, you will begin with the plant pod assigned to you.

If you are not sure, please get in touch through the sofi moon and we will confirm.

You may also wish to put a physical reminder on your coffee table in your living room

and place a sofi sticker on your bathroom mirror as a gentle reminder during the Pioneer Program.

We really hope you will find it easy to journal with the sofi app

and look forward to capturing your experience

with each formulation.


It’s now time to pair your sofi stick

and begin to discover the benefits that plants may have for you.

Thank you for being a pioneer with sofi.

Dear Pioneer,
Dear Pioneer,
Welcome back to your ‘sofi set-up coach’.
How have you been getting along since we last met?
For the next step, can I confirm that you have received the sofi pack containing your sofi stick and three plant pod formulations?
To recap, you have one sofi stick and three sofi plant pod formulations in different colours;
and pink.
We would like you to use your first formulation for the first 10 days,
then change to the second formulation for the next 10 days,
finally switching to your third formulation for the last 10 days.
Not every pioneer begins with the same colour so check which colour you are assigned to before getting started.
The formulations will provide the most benefit to you if you take three sprays in the evenings after dinner
and then a further three sprays just before you go to bed.
Remembering to take the sprays can be tricky, so in your pack there are some sofi reminders that you might like to place in key places within your home.
For example, you could put a sofi reminder on the table in the room where you generally relax in the evenings to remind you to take the first three sprays.
And you might place a sofi sticker on the bathroom mirror to remind you to take the further three sprays before brushing your teeth and going to bed.
Everyone is different, so decide where you think it would be sensible to place these reminders in your home
it’s wherever you think will work best for you!
Excellent – the other thing you will need to have near to hand is your sofi stick. Think where it makes the most sense to keep it, so that it’s easy to reach during the evening and before bed?
This may mean keeping it in a pocket or bag,
or assigning it a designated safe spot within your home, depending on your lifestyle.
We recommend not putting it away in a cupboard or a drawer because it can be so easy to forget. Out of sight is out of mind;
try somewhere on the living room table,
on top of your bed nightstand,
or a surface in the bathroom (preferably at eye-sight).
Alongside using the sofi formulations for the next 30 days is the sofi App.
The sofi App will ask you questions about how you are feeling and your thoughts and experiences as you move through your day,
registering any notes and data that help us gain a better understanding of you and your individual experience with each of our sofi pods.
There are no right or wrong answers. We simply would like to know how you are getting on. We would like you to journal on the sofi app as much as you can and whenever suits you best.
To summarise, you will begin with the plant pod assigned to you.
If you are not sure, please get in touch through the sofi moon and we will confirm.
You may also wish to put a physical reminder on your coffee table in your living room
and place a sofi sticker on your bathroom mirror as a gentle reminder during the Pioneer Program.
We really hope you will find it easy to journal with the sofi app
and look forward to capturing your experience
with each formulation.
It’s now time to pair your sofi stick
and begin to discover the benefits that plants may have for you.
Thank you for being a pioneer with sofi.
Dear Pioneer,
if you need any further assistance contact us at hi@sofi.health
it’s time to transform your relationship with plants.
launching now